Special Services

Special services are held at various times during the year to mark a special day on the religious calendar or when a unique need arises.


Baptisms – People of all ages may request baptism. Please call Interim Pastor Jonathan Morgan to discuss your wishes.


Weddings – Church members have preference when scheduling weddings.


Please contact the Church Office for more details and to schedule a meeting with Interim Pastor Jonathan Morgan.

Marriage in the Cedar Chapel

A marriage conducted on our Cedar Chapel during the Summer of 2013.


Funerals and Memorial Services – These services are personalized in order to meet the needs of the family. Please contact Interim Pastor Jonathan Morgan to do advance planning or as soon as the need arises.


Internment Options – The Memorial Garden is a burial place on the grounds of the church for the interment of cremated remains. The Memorial Garden is more than a resting place for loved ones. It is a place to meditate, to remember and to give special thanks for lives that have been shared.

What People are Saying

I like coloring with my friends during Sunday School. — Violet, Age 7
The trucks in the nursery are fun to play with. — Kevin, Age 6
As part of this congregation, I appreciate our pastor and teacher, Rev. Joe Tripp.... — Mary, Age 59
I like how everybody at church knows everyone and everybody is friendly even to those they don't know, no matter what. — Mackenzie, Age 15
I like that when Sunday School is over we go have something to eat. — Matt, Age 12
This church offers friendship, music and the preaching of God's word.
Bright! Cheery! Friendly! Great Pastor! Great music! Comforting, helpful and warm! Uplifting illuminating sermons. Our church has it all! — Bob, Age 72
This church has a warm and friendly staff and membership. It's like a second home for me. — Curt, Age 84
Our Church is generous with people in need. Our church has great programs for children and youth. — Joe, Over 65
The kindest compilation of friends and family reside within our community. I've made some of my best friends here and joining the church is the best decision I've ever made. — Noah, 16
Sunday Morning Worship Schedule: Worship: 10:00 - 11:00
Sunday School: 10:00 - 11:00
Fellowship Time: 11:00 +