Faith in Action


“He has told you, O mortal, what is good; what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?”  -Micah 6:15


Our congregation puts its faith into action by caring for one another, within the congregation, the community and the world.


There are two main foci of our Faith in Action:

- Health Ministry

- Missions

What People are Saying

UCC, Middletown – A wonderful place to make 100 real friends without using Facebook. — Chris, Age 60
I found a loving and caring family when I joined the church! — John, Age 54
This church has a warm and friendly staff and membership. It's like a second home for me. — Curt, Age 84
I am grateful for the many opportunities to be of service to others. — Jack, Age 78
Our church is very special. While we are a community of worshipers, we are also a community of friends and family. Anyone is welcome to join our family and that is a beautiful thing. — Noah, Age 16
Our Church is generous with people in need. Our church has great programs for children and youth. — Joe, Over 65
The trucks in the nursery are fun to play with. — Kevin, Age 6
I have been a part of this church as a child and now as an adult. It's has always been a fun, welcoming, and very special place at each stage of my life. — Laura, Age 34
The people, the pastor, and the music all fulfill my spiritual needs and provide a sense of peace. — Florence, Age 85
As part of this congregation, I appreciate our pastor and teacher, Rev. Joe Tripp.... — Mary, Age 59
Sunday Morning Worship Schedule: Worship: 10:00 - 11:00
Sunday School: 10:00 - 11:00
Fellowship Time: 11:00 +