THANK YOU! Many people contributed to our Faith Formation: Children and Youth Ministries this year June 2022 – June 2023. We would like to extend a special thank you to the following people who shared their gifts and talents during our Sunday morning church school, summer vespers, nursery, confirmation journey and during our new “Community Around The Table” worship events. And thank you to our amazing children, parents, grandparents, neighbors, and to all the ministries and people of the church for being a part of teaching the way of Jesus and for helping to re-imagine Christian Education – Faith Formation ministries.
Nancy Adams, Elaine Amaral, Sandy Anderson, Deborah Berdy, Judy Cook, Christine Fagan, *Sara Fullerton, Elizabeth Gibbs, Jean Green, Jim Harrington, Kathie Jackson, Chris Kidd, Linda Ludvick, Karen Massaro, Susan Murphy, Bill Murphy, Dale Noelte, Karen O’Hara, *Sarah Perez, Pam Perras, Cindy Perry, *Rob Perry, *Barbara Reece, *Katherine Rice, *Matt Rice, *Ken Scigulinsky, Beth Small, Arlene Siderski, Oliver Sun, Andy Thibeault, John Wiest, *Carolyn Wiest, Chris West, Megan Weymouth
Thank you to Becky Peckham, Nursery Supervisor, and Ashley Barker, Nursery Assistant, for serving in the nursery.
* Christian Education Board Member