What to Expect
Sunday worship services are at 10 AM. You may enter through any door and easily find your way to the sanctuary. The building is all on one floor and three of the four entrances are ramped. There are handicapped accessible Rest Rooms on the hall across from the kitchen.
The service lasts approximately one hour. When you arrive, someone will greet you and help you find a seat. They will answer any questions. If you have children, you may ask them for directions to the Nursery or the Church School program.
On the first Sunday of each month, Holy Communion is part of our service. Most Sundays we are served the pieces of bread and small cups of unfermented wine in our seats. On some special occasions we go forward in a line to receive these items. Everyone is welcome to participate in the taking of communion. However, if you choose not to you can just pass the tray or remain in your seat.