The Youth Choir sings and/or rings hand chimes during worship every 4 to 6 weeks from October through early June, as well as Christmas Eve and Easter.

Participants: Boys and Girls in grades 1 and up.
Rehearsals: Sundays 11:20 AM until 12 noon

Ability to read music is not required. Ability to ring hand chimes not required.
Anthem CDs and words are provided.

What People are Saying

I most appreciate the closeness of everyone in our church. It's like one big family. — Rebecca, Age 18
This church offers friendship, music and the preaching of God's word.
Bright! Cheery! Friendly! Great Pastor! Great music! Comforting, helpful and warm! Uplifting illuminating sermons. Our church has it all! — Bob, Age 72
As part of this congregation, I appreciate our pastor and teacher, Rev. Joe Tripp.... — Mary, Age 59
The people, the pastor, and the music all fulfill my spiritual needs and provide a sense of peace. — Florence, Age 85
I like that when Sunday School is over we go have something to eat. — Matt, Age 12
I like how everybody at church knows everyone and everybody is friendly even to those they don't know, no matter what. — Mackenzie, Age 15
I like listening to the Bible stories with my friends. — Damek, Age 11
I like coloring with my friends during Sunday School. — Violet, Age 7
I love that everyone is always welcoming and always listens. — Mia, Age 18
Sunday Morning Worship Schedule: Worship: 10:00 - 11:00
Sunday School: 10:00 - 11:00
Fellowship Time: 11:00 +