All Church Picnic 9/9


Sunday, September 9th, 11:00 – 12:00 noon

Nothing is more fun than sharing a meal together as a church family, especially if it is a cook-out! Hosted by the Board of Deacons this meal replaces the weekly coffee hour. It is a time of sharing of stories and reconnecting with each other after the adventures of the summer.

What People are Saying

I have fun playing games while I learn about Jesus. — Nik, Age 10
UCC, Middletown – A wonderful place to make 100 real friends without using Facebook. — Chris, Age 60
The trucks in the nursery are fun to play with. — Kevin, Age 6
I have been a part of this church as a child and now as an adult. It's has always been a fun, welcoming, and very special place at each stage of my life. — Laura, Age 34
I like listening to the Bible stories with my friends. — Damek, Age 11
The kindest compilation of friends and family reside within our community. I've made some of my best friends here and joining the church is the best decision I've ever made. — Noah, 16
We love this church because of the loving and family atmosphere. The children's program is the best - our children look forward to coming to church. — Lisa
This church offers friendship, music and the preaching of God's word.
I appreciate the strong sense of community that is always inclusive and welcoming. — Elaine, Age 57
Our Church is generous with people in need. Our church has great programs for children and youth. — Joe, Over 65
Sunday Morning Worship Schedule: Worship: 10:00 - 11:00
Sunday School: 10:00 - 11:00
Fellowship Time: 11:00 +